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Суббота, 15 Декабря 2012 года, 14:08

My report on the visit to the Exclusion Zone - Chernobyl, Pripyat 24/11/2012

My report on the visit to the Exclusion Zone - Chernobyl, Pripyat 24/11/2012After my storyes about visiting exclusion zone, I got a lot of emails from English speaking people readers whith a requests to translate the text into English.

Here you go:

The road to the checkpoint Dityatki passed almost unnoticed - a lot of talk about the tragedy, recalling facts and speculations, drawn from documentary films. I was getting ready for the trip. And before I was very interested in this topic, reviewed and read a ton of stuff. A week before departure refresh existing knowledge gained, looked new documentaries to mark the 25th anniversary of the tragedy. I even found a present from my friends — license game STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl. Played for a bit before this extreme trip. Game comes whith the t-shirt, map of Zone and pendant for a neck, but I did not take it me to Pripyat. I took a camera, three lenses and Radiometer Pripyat RKS-20.03, prudently bought the day before departure.

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